23 years of democratic process and changes in Bulgaria did not brought the expected result. A small sparkle in the middle of June, controversial state appointment, set thousands to protest on the streets for days in a peaceful manner, with their children along, against government and politicians mocking them for two decades already. Why is this happening now? Why now Bulgarians all over the world join with thousands in Sofia demonstrating, united under the already well-known worldwide hashtag, #ДАНСwithme.
In the days following the mass demonstrations
in Bulgaria ,
along with the extremely creative messages of the DANSwithme (#ДАНСwithme) movement and the
thousands participants who gather on the streets every day at 18:30, many of them have asked
“Why the foreign media ignore us?”. Thus the protesters and all supporters took
some time to fix this injustice by retweeting hourly every day to all
international media, writing articles and blog posts in all widely spoken
European languages. After acknowledging what is happening in Bulgaria , the previously ignorant media, as well as many by-standing observers,
asked a contra question “Why do Bulgarians protest actually?”