Further government budget cuts in the Netherlands

 In the Netherlands the government has just announced to look for further austerity measures as the state’s fiscal position is still below the EMU’s rules. The last few governments have been cutting well over 20 billion euros now without any positive outcomes; there are only further economic declines announced.
Accountability to the public by government officials?  In the Netherlands the government has just announced to look for further austerity measures as the state’s fiscal position is still below the EMU’s rules. The last few governments have been cutting well over 20 billion euros now without any positive outcomes; there are only further economic declines announced.

There was overspending in order to keep the failing banks alive, but I think that the War on Terror and tax evasion by corporations play into this next to many other issues. However a rather big share of the cuts happens on health care, social welfare and by cutting staff. I understand that we cannot keep on spending indefinitely but a little more explanation and also taking measures which affect the politicians directly would be nice too.

So far there have been a few strikes which never last very long. Students have protested for some time, just as medical personnel, police and some blue collar workers as well. However it was not much. Even the European technocrats demonstrated more fiercely! At this moment there are actual protests and riots in Bulgaria, your country, about electricity prices. This has been overtaken by other issues, government resigned and soon there will be new elections. I am not saying what happens is good but to a certain degree it is understandable. Moreover, I am expecting it back home as well. I expect that Dutch citizens are not taking it any longer and strikes will happen, and some will turn nasty.

More and more people are getting hit directly, while others are facing piles of new measures which will hit them directly or indirectly. There is even a municipality which tried to use animal taxation as a way to fill gaps and they are not hiding it! Thankfully, a judge ruled otherwise….

The two governing parties are of course getting the blame but that is more than correct. VVD (liberals) are only counting money while they claim to support the middle class. PVDA (social-democrats) have said before elections to stop further harming the economy. Previous government participant CDA (Christian-democrats) are now trying to be real opposition but it is very clear what they actually support. The other Christian parties are not providing an alternative, while the progressive parties are only counting pennies and talking theoretically.

Every age group will have to take a beating and all claim to be the most severe hit by cuts. Also every sector feels worst hit and this is clearly divisive policy. I understand the idea behind ‘divido et impero’, (divide and govern – Latin) but I thought this was about enemies? In order to keep the public satisfied, two things can be done: 1) ‘Panem et circenses’ (bread and games - Latin)(is that why we are still talking about hosting Olympics 2028, or is that the real reason behind the abdication of the queen and the instalment of the new king?), 2) long term perspectives!!! At this moment politicians are saying things as ‘we should do it together’, ‘this is the last time though we cannot be sure’, ‘it is necessary to go through this and we will be rich again’. To respond simply, that is not a vision people will follow.

I sincerely wish my government to have wisdom and I will be the first one to support a good vision to get the country out of this situation. The same I wish for your future government and all others in Europe. The Netherlands is a stable country with trustworthy politicians and institutions. But they should not play with their support. It is a democracy, opinions can change rapidly.

People are fed up with this and what to see changes to plans but especially they do not want to see ‘business as usual’: business profits, excessive wages while people are laid off. This calmness in society is changing. People are getting frustrated and this will find a way out, one way or another. Also I am afraid our authorities are not prepared for large scale strikes or riots, as you can see with football hooligans or recently in Haren, where a birthday party wentout of control. In case this happens, the country is in real trouble and I would hate to see that.

So, to end this, I truly wish there will be government wisdom and guidance during these troubling times. I wish for dialogue, no riots, no wounded no dead. I wish for a long-term vision. And wish for the public to remain calm as long as there is no reason to get upset. But in case this won’t happen, I see grim years ahead.

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